World’s Safest Countries: A Dive into Global Safety

In a world where safety and security are paramount, it’s essential to understand where the safest places are and why. This article explores the safest countries in the world, delving into various safety metrics and factors that contribute to these countries’ high safety rankings. As you plan your next vacation, consider relocating, or simply expand your global knowledge, this guide will serve as an invaluable resource.

Unexpected global events have proven the value of safety and stability, leading many to seek refuge in the world’s safest countries. This urge to find secure and politically steady environments has been intensified by the recent war close to Europe, the ongoing pandemic, and increasing concerns over women’s safety in the United States.

In the year 2023, a range of countries have stood out as particularly safe. This list includes, from safest to least (though still impressively safe):

  • Iceland;
  • New Zealand;
  • Ireland;
  • Denmark;
  • Austria;
  • Portugal.

As a seasoned traveler and a resident of numerous countries, I’ve found personal safety experiences often don’t reflect hard data. This is why we’ve referred to the Global Peace Index (GPI) to compile this list, as it offers a detailed and reliable measure of safety.

At the top of the safety league, Iceland takes the crown. It’s been consistently ranked as the world’s safest country, according to the GPI, with an impressive score of 1.107 for the last decade.

The Global Peace Index, published annually by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), ranks 163 countries based on several indicators of peace, including

  • Number of violent deaths;
  • Impact of terrorism;
  • Nuclear capability;
  • Conditions of peace;
  • Social security;
  • Internal conflicts;
  • International relations.

Interestingly, even with the proximity of the Ukraine conflict, countries within the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA) have dominated the GPI rankings. Out of the top countries in the 2023 index, eight are part of the EU or EEA. This showcases the substantial benefits of having unrestricted access to these countries.

Unveiling the Safest Havens: An Insight into the World’s Safest Countries in 2023

Let’s now delve deeper into the specifics of the 6 safest countries in the world in 2023, exploring what makes each of them so secure and desirable.

Iceland: A Tranquil Paradise

Iceland, perched atop the GPI, is widely recognized as the world’s safest country. This is due to several reasons, including low crime rates, specifically homicides, and limited accessibility to small arms. Moreover, the nation enjoys political stability and has a marginal number of refugees or internally displaced individuals.

The icing on the cake, Iceland’s natural disaster risk, is also relatively low, further accentuating its safety. Complementing this tranquility, Iceland boasts magnificent natural beauty, with majestic glaciers, soothing hot springs, and breathtaking waterfalls, making it not just safe, but also a visual delight.

New Zealand: The Pacific Sanctuary

Second to Iceland in safety, New Zealand is another nation admired for its security. With a small population and minimal crime rates, the country is a serene retreat. Its political landscape is stable, and its isolation in the southwest Pacific Ocean safeguards it from numerous external threats.

While New Zealand does face natural disasters like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, the government’s strict building regulations and the population’s preparedness make these manageable. Therefore, despite these occasional risks, New Zealand maintains its reputation as a safe and peaceful place to reside.

Ireland: The Peaceful Isle

Ireland’s safety ranking is third on the GPI, a testament to the country’s successful management of conflict, crime, and terrorism. A key factor contributing to Ireland’s safety is its low crime rate, specifically a minimal number of homicides. The Eurostat data from 2017 underscores that Ireland had the second-lowest violent crime rate within the European Union.

an aerial panorama of the Rock of Cashel in Ireland

In addition to its low crime rate, Ireland enjoys a peaceful status with no active conflicts or significant terrorist incidents in recent years. Its policy of military neutrality and non-membership in NATO contributes to its peaceful status. Thus, Ireland stands as a safe and secure homeland for its residents.

Denmark: The Nordic Safe Haven

Denmark holds the fourth spot on the GPI, earning recognition as one of the safest places globally. Several factors play a part in Denmark’s safety, including its low crime rate. The country’s stable economy and robust welfare system also reduce social unrest and contribute to its high safety ranking.

Denmark’s relatively homogeneous population and small size facilitate the maintenance of law and order. Hence, all these facets combine to make Denmark a safe abode for its citizens, echoing the reputation of a safe haven.

Austria: An Enclave of Safety and Stability

Austria has a long-standing reputation as a secure sanctuary, securing the fifth position globally and ranking third among the 27 EU nations. Factors contributing to Austria’s impressive safety record include:

  • A low crime rate: Austria has a significantly low number of violent crimes and property crimes, providing its residents with a secure environment;
  • A robust economy: Economic stability in Austria ensures fewer people resort to criminal activities, contributing to the overall low crime rate;
  • A strong governance structure: The strong political system of Austria ensures effective administration and curtails corruption.

The amalgamation of these factors makes Austria a very safe and appealing place to reside.

Portugal: The Secure Mediterranean Haven

Portugal, renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, Mediterranean climate, and easy-going culture, has recently been recognized for another attribute: safety. Portugal holds the sixth position in the Global Peace Index and is the fourth safest country within the EU 27.

an aerial shot of residential buildings and hotels near the Algarve seacoast in Portugal

Factors that contribute to Portugal’s safety include:

  • Low-income inequality: The top 20% of households in Portugal earn merely 7.5 times more than the lowest 20%. This lower income disparity compared to other developed countries like the US contributes to its lower crime rate;
  • Strong legal framework: Property rights are well-preserved in Portugal, and the incidence of government corruption is low. This stability discourages crime and fosters economic growth;
  • Peaceful international relations: Portugal has a rich history of diplomatic relations with its neighbors, avoiding direct involvement in a major war for over 200 years.

These elements combine to ensure Portugal’s safe and welcoming environment.

Madeira: Portugal’s Island Gem of Safety

Madeira deserves special recognition for its status as one of the safest areas within Portugal. Its security is attributed to:

  • Geographic location: Located over 1,000 km from the Portuguese mainland, Madeira’s isolation reduces criminal accessibility. Escape after committing a crime on Madeira is significantly challenging;
  • Small population: The absence of crime families or gangs due to its small population reduces the opportunities for crime, making Madeira virtually crime-free;
  • Strong police presence: The government’s investment in security measures and a strong police presence adds to the safety of Madeira.

Additionally, the capital, Funchal, boasts a highly secure environment, where residents and tourists feel safe at all times.

Key Takeaways

CountryGlobal Safety
Key Safety Factors
Iceland1Low violent crime, political stability, and few natural disasters
New Zealand2Stable government, low crime rate, strict building codes for earthquakes
Ireland3Low murder and violent crime rate, free of conflict and terrorism, military neutrality
Denmark4Low crime rate, strong economy, and homogeneous population
Austria5Low crime rate, strong economy, and a stable political system
Portugal6Low-income inequality, strong rule of law, peaceful international relations
Madeira (Portugal)Special MentionIsolated location, small population, strong police presence


Safety is a significant factor in determining the desirability of a country for living, working, or traveling. The countries mentioned above have shown consistent commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of their inhabitants and visitors. Factors such as a strong and stable economy, political stability, low crime rates, and peaceful international relations play pivotal roles in achieving this.

From the icy tranquillity of Iceland to the sun-drenched safety of Portugal’s Madeira Island, these countries and regions offer a safe and secure environment that greatly enhances the quality of life. This analysis serves as an essential resource for anyone seeking to understand the world’s safest countries. As global dynamics continue to evolve, it’s vital to keep an eye on how safety trends change over time and how these changes might influence decisions about relocation or travel.