Setting it to positive by default

When we like a picture, we put it on the home screen of our phone. When we like a picture of us and our friends, we print it out and put it in the most beautiful frame on our shelf. That’s the way to put positive thinking on the most prominent shelf of all areas of our lives. How do we do that? And how can we bring this default feature into our lives?

Positive thinking is a new concept of thinking that promotes personal motivation and allows you to look at life from a completely different perspective. There is no such thing as being born and being able to think positively from birth. Life consists of many difficulties, which takes a lot of energy to overcome. Therefore, positive thinking is the result of daily work on yourself. It takes 21 to 60 days for a person to instill a habit, so it’s time to start implementing it.

Martin Seligman is an American psychologist who is the founder of positive psychology. He invented a technique that helps to get out of depression as quickly as possible and overcome attacks of negative thought flow.

The exercise is called “My Perfect Day”:

  1. To begin with, you need to find some free time in which no one will distract you from your important work. What do you need free time for? And for you to sit down and quietly describe what your ideal day looks like. It’s important to hear the true needs of yourself without taking into account the preferences of others.
  2. describe your ideal day based on your personal desires. For example: spending time with your family, flipping through a magazine, relaxing in nature, doing your favorite hobby.

Theory is good, but it is time to move on to implementation. Now it’s important to live your perfect day without missing a single point.

  1. describe all the emotions you experienced on that perfect day. Especially describe joy in detail.

The exercise should be done until you have a feeling of satisfaction with your life.