Secrets of people who are happy

Most of us, of course, work. Some of us even work 12-20 hours a day. Undoubtedly, all of us make certain efforts to achieve the desired result, diligently accumulate new skills and abilities for a successful and happy life. But for some reason not everyone can achieve the desired heights? But not everyone experiences failure or failure. Why do you think so? Why some people are helped by Life itself on the way to their goals, and others do not have this advantage? Do you want to learn to understand the reasons for whatever happens in your life? To become not just happy, healthy and successful, but a true favorite of Life?

Today we would like to share with you the simple and, most importantly, working rules of a happy life, a methodology of conflict-free and successful life.

Tip 1. Accept this world as it is
Before you begin to realize the events you want, you must enter the harmonious interaction with the world around you – accept this world as it is. Stop condemning some of its imperfections, in your opinion. If there are condemnations on your part, you will inevitably attract trouble in your life. If there are no judgments and complaints, you won’t run into trouble. And life will begin to please you.

Tip 2. Stop resenting, judging and being angry
All our troubles do not stem from the unknown past, but from the mistakes that we have just made or are still making now. Say, finally, no: to resentment, judgment, and anger. Watch your thoughts, emotions and actions. Don’t engage in conflict. Prolonged emotional negativity closes all doors to success.

Tip 3. Don’t idealize anything.
Don’t idealize life. From a religious point of view, any negative emotion is the result of judging reality, which is sin. Consequently, by giving excessive importance to some of our expectations or values, we create the ground for the accumulation of sins. And if a person idealizes something, he falls under the processes of a kind of spiritual “education. This upbringing works by forcibly destroying the earthly value he idealizes.

Life so precisely matches people into pairs that, knowing one person (for example, a wife), one can easily predict what quality her husband will possess.

For example, if the wife is very fond of money and believes that the man should be the breadwinner, then her husband will have great problems with money, or he will not attach any importance to it at all.

If the wife has strong beliefs about how a child should be raised, her husband will have very different beliefs.

The wife does not realize that her spouse is a “karmic” pill for her, a cure for her over-idealization of some earthly values.

Tip 4. Do no harm to anyone.
When choosing your goals, try to make sure that when you realize them, no one will be harmed.

Tip 5. Rejoice in everything and give thanks
Do not forget to rejoice in any, even small, achievements. And don’t forget to thank Life for taking care of you.

We hope you have made the necessary conclusions for yourself, and Life will not have to give you new lessons of spiritual education. We wish you easy and quick fulfillment of your innermost desires!