Harmony in the body is harmony in life

A person feels most happy not when he has something in particular (money, a harmonious relationship, a good job, etc.), but when harmony reigns in his life. That is, when he is satisfied with each of the spheres of life.

For example, if work brings pleasure and a good income, but there are no close friends, relationships or hobbies outside of work, something that gives joy and pleasure – this is imbalance. Or: there are great relationships, friends, work and money, but no inspiration, self-expression and positive emotions in life. This, too, is imbalance, preventing a person from feeling happy.

The wheel of life balance: what it is and why

Psychologists suggest an interesting technique to determine what your life satisfaction really looks like at the moment: the “wheel of life balance.” It is necessary to draw a circle on paper and divide it into 8 sectors and sign it. Each one is responsible for a certain sphere of life: health and well-being, family and relationships, environment and friends, financial state, work and career, rest and travel, self-realization and creativity, spiritual development and positive emotions. This is a classic version, but each person can have his or her own, any number, the main thing is that they will be really important for him or her.

Then on a scale of 1 to 10 evaluate each sphere, based on your own feelings. Record on paper (each sector is conventionally divided into 10 segments, each of which corresponds to 1 point). The minimum score is closer to the center, the maximum 10 is closer to the edge. If you then connect with a line in a circle all the numbers you get – you get something like a wheel, but it is unlikely to be equal (unless all the spheres you have rated the same number of points). Now you can analyze the result. The sectors with the highest scores will be the main sources of dissatisfaction with life and what prevents you from feeling happy. But by seeing where the wheel of balance is “lame”, you can make efforts to fix things in the area that needs improvement. And thus improve the quality of life.

An important point to remember

But there is one nuance: despite the fact that all areas without exception are important, there are those that affect the quality of life of all. This is health. After all, you should agree that a person can enjoy life to the fullest only if he or she is well and physically fit. Without health it is difficult and sometimes impossible to achieve success in any area of life.

In addition, the state of physical health is directly related to the psychological state of a person, his emotions and mood (because the body is a holistic system). But there is something interesting here too.

Health and gastrointestinal tract

Interesting fact: do you know where 80% of our immune system is concentrated? It turns out, in the gut. And it is scientifically proved that the condition of this organ directly affects our health and even mood. This is the conclusion reached by Oxford scientists, who studied the human microbiota. It was found that emotional intelligence (EQ), the ability to understand and manage emotions, depends on the bacteria that live in the gut. Their work affects the nervous system by regulating brain activity.

When the microbiota is out of balance due to a lack of beneficial bacteria in the gut, aggressive bacteria multiply, which prevents the absorption of useful substances from food. And this negatively affects not only the condition of the skin, hair, the whole body, but also directly affects the success and feeling of happiness. No wonder Julia Enders book “Your wonderful intestine”, which deals with the details and features of the work of this important organ of our body, has become a bestseller.

Therefore, the first thing you need to do to improve your well-being – to pay attention to the work of the intestines and fix it.

How to adjust the work of the intestines?

It is necessary to move enough, to exercise (the recent researches of scientists of the University of Illinois proved: physical activity promotes production of useful bacteria in intestines). And also to eat right, and to avoid stress.

Special attention should be paid to dairy products: ideally, it is necessary to consume a lot of dairy products, to “replenish the balance” of beneficial bacteria in the intestines.

And you should also additionally support the intestines (especially those who are sensitive intestines) by taking healthy products for it, containing complexes of beneficial bacteria.

Harmonious work of the body and all its systems certainly improves the quality of life and feel happy and comfortable. Harmony in life begins from within.